Thursday 18 September 2008


I love Lloyds TSB. Tip-toeing into the financial furore with greedy glee. But wait, no. This is not the circling vulture picture it may appear. Lloyds TSB are by no means exploiting the situation for their own gain and anyone who says so needs slapping. You see, it’s going to stabilise the sector, calming concerns all over the shop. The white knight rides in on his gallant steed. Hooray! Hurrah! All hail the Lloyds TSB juggernaut.

Reports of hand rubbing big wigs skipping through the autumn leaves might well be over exaggerated.

Ok so maybe we may have just created the most powerful financial organisation in history, with a seemingly unassailable control. So a few may lose jobs. The important thing is that alls well again. Feel free to nip back to the sand pit and bury your head.

6 years old and I was playing with Lego. Educated on Rhubarb, Custard and Postman Pat. Now whilst I admit to some strange fascination with the plasticine bird in the post office, ‘sexual thoughts’ never really got a look in. Which may come as a shock to some of you; before today I perhaps ignorantly assumed myself to be in the majority. Was I wrong? Misled by a blinkered childhood full of Tonka Toys and stickle bricks? Does the current batch of 6 years olds really require a sex education lesson?

The Times, today performing its best Daily Mail impression reports the publication of a sexual health pamphlet aimed at 6 year olds. Reporting with ‘horror’, it should be noted. That’s ‘horror’, in case we were in any doubt as to an opinion.

Please, please, please won’t someone, somewhere crash an oil tanker, kill all the Panda bears or chop down some trees. Something, anything to give Independent Tower an issue to attack. Another grossly overpowering headline and surely somewhere fairies will begin to die.

‘Mayfair mafia who toppled banking giant’

Mafia. In Mayfair.

Hedge fund gangs are dodgy yes. Corrupt, most likely. Horse head, drive-by, pasta eating wise guys?

One of them is called Crispin.

The Daily Mail is worried about immigrants and The Sun has some breasts on page 3

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